Saturday, January 9, 2010

Soy Toxins Help Please! I Need An UN-BIASED Opinion---Is Soy Bad For You?

Help please! I need an UN-BIASED opinion---Is soy bad for you? - soy toxins

I am one years have been a vegetarian about 11 / 2. It works well, I have never been malnourished or feel anything. But lately I have tried to better health-as-Conscious really sure I do my diet balanced in nutrients. I am also trying to lose kg approx 7th I have recently begun a variety of soy products in my diet of soy milk, tofu to take over. But I just read an article: "Is it bad I do for you?" He said that soy is known to mess w / your hormone levels, which I have observed lately, my mood swings are much more unexpected, and my cycle is about more often. The article also says that the toxins and soybeans against total loss. Another thing I noticed is that you can mess w / the thyroid gland, which may be wondering why I can not remove it (although it was always a little difficult for me).
I am very worried. I need the protein for food and meat scares me. I will not be too hard for me to work dirt. Not bad eveyrthing. I'm exaggerating?

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